Trinity Worship Times

Trinity Worship Times

Sunday Mornings in the Church Sanctuary

  • 8:00 AM Traditional Liturgical Service  The service is livestreamed on our Facebook page
  • 9:30 AM Adult Sunday School/Bible Study
  • 10:30 AM Traditional Service

Wednesday Prayer Service

5:00 PM – in the church sanctuary – A time for prayer – We all need prayers, whether those prayers concern health issues, financial issues, family, natural disasters, national or world events. The power of prayer is undeniable. Please join Pastor Hesse for the opportunity to express your prayer concerns among one another and then spend time bringing them before God. You are welcome to come and go as you please.

Hearing devices are available upon request for those who may have difficulty
understanding the words of the worship service. You may ask an usher for these.

Radio Broadcasts Sunday Mornings

  • Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor’s Hour at 9:00 am on KFKA, 1310 AM
  • The Lutheran Hour at 6:05 am on KOA (850 AM) and again at 9:30 am on KFKA (1310 AM)


Sunday 8 AM services and selected other services are livestreamed on Facebook, and are available there for streaming on demand at your convenience.  Some Bible Studies are also available there.